Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Human Corruption Determined

We see now the size of human intelligence on a grand scale as being a weak and apathetic individual sitting in a corner with an iPhone beating off to you porn. Of course there is the optimistic outlook of the future being grand and beautiful and which all possibilities can come from opportunities that people take to make the world a better place and I definitely see that that is true. However, if you have a problem, you don't just walk away from it and expect for it to go away because it won't. So let's think about the problem.
Some people are given everything so their problem is having everything. It appears that people having certain things in their lives makes them happy and cooperative with society. It could be estimated that if everybody was given the things that they wanted out of life that the system would work smoother and even improve. 
The question is: how do you make the most wealthy people in the world happy in such a way that it doesn't effect the society negatively?
It could be assumed that the reason the wealthy like a workforce is because they favor having their intelligence overbear others to create something bigger like a building or a statue or monument. Without a workforce those buildings could not be created; unless under another way I suppose by popularity.
Therefore the bottom line is the only true desire to control the population is for the intelligence to overbear a workforce into creating bigger things.
We literally have a sharing problem.
The rich don't want to share power and the people don't want to share ideas unless you give them power in exchange to help your idea.
So now we're looking at a topical interests about humans and their obsession with the ego. As if it's a type of mental disorder linked to a world pandemic of selfishness. However anyone thinks they're going to resolve this issue I can assure you that the bottom line resolution to this problem has everything to do with the reaction of a battery and a magnet.
Electricity running through a wire from one battery to another is a lot like a two-way highway going from one city to the next. The only difference is that as the tempo of the highway speeds up, the energy flows in either one direction or the other much like looking at light hitting bike spokes as it speeds up; it tends to appear as if it's going backwards. This thus creates the magnetic pull or the magnetic push.
With all of reality consisting of the energy found within electricity, it appears as if all of reality is a magnet and therefore the human body and mind is only a fractal reflection of this magnetic between barriers.
In essence, as far fetched as this explanation is, the point comes back to the human reacting as a battery, where he's pushing out energy and also pulling in energy. 
In terms of property, money, and ownership of intellectual property, our energy is very negative; as in selfish; as in a magnetic pull to take away from all the energy around us. That is literally the observation of primitive activity on a intellectual and calculated level. The act of survival, help yourself and no one else.
In essence, society does not know how to cooperate as a team; society only knows how to play a boardgame called monopoly in the office.
It is an incessant, indulgent behavior that has psychotically involved itself into our society like a glove with such a seductive propaganda from the people so afraid to lose the workforce that is selfishly owned like a thrown.
We see people along all kinds of neighborhoods locked into contracts to live in their homes as if they're on house arrest to a Credit Card Debt. The government has used a Federal bank fraud to arrest you to your home, and now you have to go out and look for a job just to pay for your own prison cell, just so they can have a workforce to build things that they want- you're used.
A person living in an apartment has no right to speak, a person living in a home has no right to speak, a person living in a mansion definitely has no right to speak, a person making over $3000 a month definitely has no right to speak when you see people who don't have money who can't take care of themselves, make themselves look proper, so they can go in for an interview and get a job. When you see people who can't help themselves, then you know what true poverty is, and what true Tyranny is. 
American tyranny is The media organized sale that we still live in the year 2001 where poverty causes itself, when the truth is we live in 2015 were poverty is caused by Aggressive Tyrannical Financial Fraud and Corruption.

What's more impressive now is that because we understand that the corporations and the government work together to enslave a nation without them knowing, you can definitely assume that you don't really have an America anymore at all. In fact the only America left is in your heart and in whatever flag you have left. 
Babylon has fallin Babylon has fallen.

Because we now understand the battery, the solution is of course to run the battery the opposite direction and push energy out; as in sharing or the act of giving without the need of having to receive anything- necessarily. This isn't to be confused with the act of 'taking', which would obviously be the opposite of pushing out energy, and so the idea of the social construct is to create a relationship between the people around you, where you don't have to expect anything from anyone because they all just give to you, as in essence, you also give to them.

This of course is linked to your most religious morals but it is obviously a psychological order of harmony. The challenge of human and earth, is to create a homeostasis between society and the ecosystem which starts with how we use energy as people.

If however, this is linked to some sort of psychological disorder that we have now determined by observation to be a very real thing amongst our society, then we must find a way to tame our impulse to magnetically pull energy, or be selfish. Even if it takes medicinal drugs. Even if it takes stem cell research and genetic modification. At the end of the day- at the end of human kinds history- I will mark it on the wall today- we will all die millions-thousands- hundreds of years in the future as an entire race, simply because we could not get rid of our reptilian brain instinct to take and take and take.

Maturity is patience, maturity is giving, and maturity is acceptance.