Friday, October 17, 2014


We are now observing the world in the perspective of the Alien, and as we look down at the Earth, we see this parasitic mite called humans eating away at living Animals and Plants that nurtures the Earth. The result of this is the Plastic Island out in the middle of the Ocean, Nuclear Fallout from poor management, Outbreak in Liberia without a travel restriction on the area, fewer resources to survive off of leading to chemical made resources, total enslavement of thousands of animals into livestock butchering, the wiping out of total rain forests for wood, etc... We see the Utopia Experiment (The result of which is extinction).

People who get a top university education... Are still idiots to me.
They may have knowledge but where did they learn to solve problems under pressure? Not school- that's a life thing.
When kids in college are sitting at desks for hours a day soaking up information, they aren't learning how to create new information with it.
If this WASN'T true, Ebola wouldn't be such a scare, Fukushima, plastic island; all of these problems that we're literally watching majorly educated people still discussing how to fix the problem.
Why is there no travel restrictions in Ebola infected areas?
Why isn't Plastic Island being RECYCLED?
They're still sitting over there trying to come up with a solution.
What does that tell you?
It tells me their education was a waste.
We should be listening to some second opinions.

I see the world around ME, and I feel sorry for YOU. I already know how the story ends but it Doesn't have to end that way... The Revolution will not be televised and therefore won't be effective. I hate the fact that I have to wait out a possibly long waste of waiting for this unintelligent self indulgent wealth spree to end.
Black chick born in France; tells me she's travelled like crazy: All of Europe, Argentina, Brazil, Canada (Quebec), Russia, Austrailia, tells me that America is disappointing. She says, "sure there's some awesome beaches and buildings and awesome people, cool palm trees in LA, but everybody's poor. There is no American dream. Russia is awesome compared to this, yet everyone in America talks down on Russia."

People are working, not concerning themselves with an active role in the world, but in their own personal social sphere, and completely oblivious to what the outside world is because all they see is a TV screen. They rely entirely on the TV to tell them News about Politics, World Events, etc... without ever having a chance to leave their own circumstances to see it for themselves. In essence they're all property to Special Interests that are used by way of their applications. They think Russia is a horrible country because America doesn't want Americans to listen to what Vladmir Putin has to say about America.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Scene from 'AMERICA 51' by Daniel Jacobs


Full Length Double Animated Feature Screenplay Comedy
by Daniel Jacobs

DIRTY is the top of top Corporate/Conglomerate C.E.O. of Sales and Distribution across the World. He's a Dirty little Rat- literally- he's a brown Rat dressed in a business suit with a straight mustache like Salvador Dali. He's never happy, and always wants things his way yesterday, while he praises his penis.

MR. SPLOOGE is the top of top Federal Banker of the world; and he's a duck. He talks like Donald Duck, has a Green head with a white stripe around his neck, wears a top hat, a monocle, and smokes cigarettes out of a typical cigarette crutch. Mr. Splooge sides with his colleagues Dirty and Face Banger to enslave America, somehow, some way.


Splooge and Dirty are in the Government office of 'Secretary to the President' Kelly Beaverbucks which it says on her desk plaque. Kelly is behind the desk, Splooge and Dirty sitting in front of the desk staring at her enormous boobs that are blown up under her shirt- she's a hot fox.

(taking a moment to understand like a person waking up)
Okay... so... wait a minute Mr. Splooge, you're telling ME, that our United States Military Secretary told YOU, all of that?

That's right! And then she said if we wanted an apology, that we had to stick our finger up our ass!

(Seductively to Dirty in her relaxed voice-)
Do you support this statement, Dirty?

You're damn right I do.

(Turned on...)
Well that just sounds like I need to pay the Military Operations Director a visit for some tension release.

Tension release? Does that sound like a situation of sexual deprivation??? First of all- That's nothing compared to the problems I have! And second of all- doesn't all of this smell fishy to you?? Can't you smell the pier??? I DEMAND ANSWERS!!!

(sexually groaning as she talks to them)
...well... I could pull a trick, a hand job, a BJ, that sort of thing, but I charge by the hour. Your desires come at a price. No bottom bitch is gonna do this shit for free. After all boys, the Government is a fiscal operation, and we definitely know how to get fiscal. We need as much fiscal activity as possible to pay off trillions of dollars of all our 'stupid bitch' spending.

(confused, turned on, and intrigued)
What other services do you provide, I'm curious?

(with his tongue out)
25 minutes is 20 bucks, right?

(feeling uncomfortable in her chair as she squirms and makes little sexual noises)
I think we have coupons... somewhere, I think they're...
(She gets up out of her chair, turns around and bends over to look through a box behind her chair, while the other two just stare at her butt.)
-hold on, let me just... I know there's gotta be something around here somewhere.

(wide eyed)
Do you do slumber parties?

(Turning back around and sitting in her chair putting the papers on the desk and fixing her boobs back and forth like cleaning a bowling ball for about 15 seconds before sitting down-)
Depends on how political it is.

Hardcore political. All the way. Like Dominatrix Political.

Extremely Political- we provide a horse!

(Thinking about it with calm sexual groans as she talks)
Hmm, I see... so this slumber party... is it part of the problem you have with the United States Military Products division's office?

(slightly sexually frustrated)
The solution is your involvement-what are you getting at? I don't understand.

(Getting really sexual with her voice)
-Look, I work for the Government. 
(She leans over the desk with her boobs bursting on the surface at Dirty and Mr. Splooge)
That means I work for the President of a party, not the people. 
(she gets closer to them as she climbs over the desk seductively-)
And if he finds out that you're jacking him around-
(She points at them-)
-he'll jack back.

(defending himself quickly)
I didn't mean to imply that I was jacking anybody off, or that I wanted to get jacked off by your Pimp. We're just trying to get a better idea of what kind of work you do- we're highly involved in political positions.

Such as...

Missionary, Doggy Style, Down Under...

(being optimistic)
We could at-least file a BJ form.

(cutting him off-)
MMMaybe you can be a little more descriptive at another time. Until then I'm going to quote you the cost here... let me see... $50,000,000.00

(Amazed and confused)
Fifty Million for what???

(Seductively again as she moves back towards sitting behind her desk-)
To see through the proposition of the Military Intelligence programs director whom you say called you a Scummy Douche, to arrive at a brief meeting in Congress to Explain himself, and the actions you've reported here.

Great! So we'll see them in Congress!

Wait- that comes with a BJ, right?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Constitutional Republic Trumps our current Government Form

I want a 'Constitutional Republic'... not a Democracy.

A Constitutional Republic is a system where the Senate(the States) have the highest ranking power in the Government. In this situation, the Federal Government is forced by the States to abide by the Constitution, and the Federal Government is employed by the Senate- not the other way around. In this way, the Government doesn't necessarily change, the powers are just put in a new place.
If Congress passed a law and the states chose not to abide by that law, the Federal Government can't force them like they are now, because they're below the Senate.
The Executive office would go from being a central power in government, to being a speaker for the Senate and Congress decisions.
This situation takes away the power of the Federal Government acting as a central mix board to the country, and takes the power of corruption away from controlling that mix board, because now, all states are Republics, and they don't have to listen to the Federal Government, the Federal Government has to listen to THEM.
In order to Corrupt an entire country bound in this Constitutional Republic, a team of corruption would have to travel the nation state by state trying to instill it's policies, and if one state went down while others disagreed with these policies, the surrounding states can scrutinize the perceived corruption of that state, and decide as a nation to react to it through the 'employed' Federal Government. That means Corruption is too hard to accomplish because the powers are split up between 51 states.
And the amount of time it would take to instill corrupt policies into each state would take so long that by the end of it, we'll have already figured out whats going on, and have stopped it.
That's what I want; a Constitutional Republic.

The Reluctant Alien Contact and our Hostage Situation

When we live in our own homes and have control of our own property, we react to everything that happens with in it.
When we’re employed, we react to whatever it is we’re PAID to react to, and nothing more.
When we go shopping at a store or what have you, and something happens with in, we allow the people who own that property, or work their to handle it.
If we back up and look at the public view, you might realize that the only thing we really react to as people is "YOURSELF" and the things which belong to "YOU."
Therefore no one believes the world belongs to them, the world belongs to their EMPLOYER.
Kind of a silly lie you keep telling yourself, huh.
Aliens should remain a secret for reasons you will appreciate:
Fukushima is not being managed well, and if it wasn't for the fact that I'm financially hamstrung and imprisoned to this economy, I'd at least be learning from scientist personally and throwing out idea after idea until something can be practically innovated to resolve it. Because we are this kind of society that cannot function outside of our prison cell economy, we are immature. We all have something to give, but your Government keeps shoving you off and telling you to rely on them to solve a problem that they don't want you to even know about.
Our Foreign relations has become such a cock fight of world leaders anticipating war, that we can see no end to an imminent world war. An initiative based on a central power trying to economize every country into one economy so that the world can become one audit under the control of one central mix board to control the power of people to create with financial backing, and invade your privacy and finances (once that happens, the world belongs to one person). These people are so engulfed in the idea that they're going to win Eurasia's economy that they can't see the forest through the trees and therefore, the world cannot have a reasonable discussion on improving our foreign relations and resolve the real issues that would enable us to reverse the negative psychological effects of society. If I could help that- I'd do that too. I'm Financially Imprisoned.
The growing population has become such a problem that our own United States Government has created a conspiracy to kill people. Instead of facing the problems head on and discussing practical means with society to alter the situation, they'd rather not talk about it and kill you. They've supposedly used Chem-trails to poison the air, GMOs to cause disease in foods, Poisoned the water with Flouride to make people dumber and deteriorate them, all in the name of Population control. This subject is so serious that I know things about it that is not for public discussion. The GMOs are there for our growing society to compete against the lack of resources that, if we out grow them, we will go EXTINCT. We will not have enough food to feed an overgrown population which in clinical studies causes extinction. This is their concern. What we should be doing is expanding society into newer regions and expecting everyone to learn how to grow their own food- on top of building space stations if we can (if that's not science fiction) to give people a new home outside the earth so that our population doesn't endure this stress. If I wasn't Financially Imprisoned once again...
The fact that our society focuses so much on IQ scores and Education certificates to ensure that they are working with people who are "Smart" to resolve issues, have not considered that people who get Ds and Cs in school are 'Street Smart' or in other words- "Problem Sovlers." As we watch our world decaying, and the Government stumbling over themselves wondering how to fix all these problems with all their education, one should wonder how Street Smart they are, and should realize the inconsiderate nature of robot like minds to think that knowledge is the pinnacle of solving problems. It's not. Creativity solves problem. Flat out. Where are those people, and why aren't they a part of the problem solving process? If I wasn't financially imprisoned...
I could go on and on about the several problems this world is facing, and yet the ignorance prevails over these problems only to make them WORSE! WHY do you think an extra-terrestrial race that is being documented to have associated with our U.S. Military is even remotely interested in speaking with what should be perceived as 'Children' completely destroying their own house? If you came upon a house filled with children destroying it, what would you do? I'll tell you what I would do:
I walk up to this open front door where these kids are screaming and playing, - the house is trashed worse than the next morning after a raging party, and there's not a parent in sight. First I stop one of the kids and ask him, "We're your Mommy and Daddy?"
"We don't have a Mommy and Daddy."
So then I get on my Cell Phone and call the Child Protective Services and the Police. Then The Police show up and see this outrageous mess that so out of control they don't want to enter the house, because low and behold, these kids have WEAPONS! The police stand outside thinking of a safe way to encounter the situation with out killing these innocent kids who are unaware of what they're doing inside this house. Finally there's an observation that "Shit's about to go down in there, and there's nothing we can do to stop it unless half those kids are killed by us in the process." The officers decide to let the situation play out until it is safe to remove these kids from their own stupid lethal madness.
A Quarter of these kids die. Finally the house is raged in crying, and fear as the house it literally falling a part and some of them flee from the house to the police as the police rescue them with open arms. The others inside with the weapons are still at harms way and the police have no choice but to enter the house and attempt to resolve the situation by discussion, to tell the kids, "Everything's going to be okay, you just need to put the guns down so that everyone can get better again."
Out of fear, these children don't respond in kind, and take an arrogant initiative firing at the police officers. The Police leave the house because they don't want to kill these kids. I'm talking about Earth as a house right now. This is our problem. We're in a hostage situation with our own governments and Extra-Terrestrials have no clue how to get these kids to put their guns down.
If only I wasn't financially imprisoned by these kids myself... or any of you smart individuals who have some sense on the situation as well... could we all just SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Just think of where we would be if we could get these kids to put the guns down.



Genetic mutation occurs all the time. We have Albinos, retardation, genetic diseases, etc... 
What is found BECAUSE of "Microevolution" is that Animals "ADAPT" to it's environmental status creating a new race of that species. And scientist like Darwin called it EVOLUTION to support the bigger portion of the theory; something that keeps changing overtime until the species becomes a completely different one, assuming that all species came from just ONE. Kind of like cross breeding, only the species develops a genetic mutation from the environment it adapts to.

Creationists are more interested in the human origin, and feel that Evolution is a threat to the idea that humans came from God, BECAUSE Evolution suggests that all living species came from just one species.
The fact of the matter is that either side hasn't much of anything to do with each other in the argument because Evolutionist don't have a clue where we came from, or any other animal that may have evolved over a long period of time- so that’s just an oxymoron- “We think all life came from one species but we don’t have evidence of how it started or what species all life came from, so that’s just a theory.”
You can find the genome changes in an Albino snake for instance has a similar DNA structure as a regular snake, and all other types of snakes, but how did a snake evolve from a fish or what have you, or what ever OTHER type of species it came from? So then the ‘Question of Origin’ ruins the Evolution concept, which is WHY the search for the MUTATION OF SPECIES IN THE GENOME is so important because the theory of evolution is incomplete without it.

‘Microevolution’ is just adaptation of a species- flat and simple. In order to have Macroevolution, you need the proof of the Species Mutating. That’s why including the ‘Microevolution’ as a part of Evolution is considered a COPOUT by Creationists and Scientists leaning towards Intelligent Design in this scientific debate. I don’t personally believe any of these now.

Microevolution is a fact because it’s a well known type of adaptation. But on the bigger picture, when we're looking at all the animals in the entire world, we're going to have to come to grips with the idea that something else had to have happened simply because we only see the adaptation of the species to it's environment, not an entire species mutation from reptile to homosapien for instance. People say that the change happened over millions of years so we would have to see fossil records to suggest this change- but that would still require information concerning the mutation of species in the Genome. We can’t confuse that human have a lineage with ape just by looking at their similarities and making the assumptions. So the species never changes as far as we know- only the race of it.

Where's the mutation of the species in the genome, where’s the proof of the step to step process like picture to picture in cartoon animation? Even the Homosapian fossils found ( from ‘Ardipithecus kadabba’ to ‘Sahelanthropus tchadensis’ aren’t enough weight for the idea that man evolved from chimp. We have genetic similarities to Apes, and we also have similarities to the Daffodil Flower. This also puts a lot of weight on the Ancient Astronaut theory that “I’ll believe when I see.”

There's a lot to suggest that reptiles came from one origin while homosapians came from another, and if that's the truth, there’s a high possibility Man didn't come from an ape, but came from some other type of human origin since we see several different races of human across the planet, we know that humans had adapted to his several different environments, but all humans are intelligent, while the ape is not so much. The suggestion that Man came from Ape out of a Species Mutation in the Genome needs to be found in this missing link that doesn’t CURRENTLY exist. “Paleogenomics is a difficult field because it often requires finding suitable fossils with well-preserved DNA.” The Neanderthal for instance, coexisted with Humans during our primitive years, and then they just disappeared… I assume by disease. Neanderthal may be the only missing link though and I don’t discredit the idea. ( But we’ll need more information to clear it up, to see the genetic mutation of the species in the genome.

"Genetic drift occurs when a population's allele frequencies change due to random events." - Wikipedia

"I interpret 'rate of evolution' as a rate of adaptive change. In this sense, the substitution of a neutral allele would not constitute evolution." - Richard Dawkins

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Consciousness is Expression

In 2011, Rome Viharo declared that Google had all the parallels of consciousness according to a book written in 1991 'Consciousness Explained' by Daniel Dennet. I'm here to ruin Rome Viharo's day... sorry- I mean that sincerely.

Unfortunately, Google is only a reflection of the human brain being expressed. We know this because the internet doesn't have an expression other than the one people give it, which means the Internet in and of itself is a reflection of the human Collective Consciousness. If you had ever wondered if the collective consciousness was real, the Internet proves once and for all that it does, and it's because of what Daniel Dennet and Rome Viharo talk about. If the internet didn't exist today, the collective consciousness would still only exist mentally as ideas are agreed upon by word of mouth and formed as the social perspective, making the collective consciousness a virtual existence, even in the physical format of the computer and it's virtual internet.

But like I said, we even though the technicalities are there to support the idea that Google is conscious, that is only a reflection from individual to social sphere, not a literal interpretation of consciousness. For instance; Factories that cultivate, harvest, and package produce to be shipped to other people across the world are no different than the reflection of a man picking a fruit off a tree, and eating it. it's a small scale ability compared to a large scale ability. The factory cultivates, like the man himself could cultivate. The factories harvest, much like a man can pull the fruit off the tree. The factories package the produce to be shipped to people to receive and eat, and in other words... the man simply moves the fruit from the tree he picked it off of and transports it to his mouth. The process of our expressions as a society parallels the process of the individual's physical self, and the motivation of our conscious expressions is by the initiative of 'Comfort.' Remember that I stated 'Comfort' now, as I will come back to this later.

Anywhere you look in the world, whether it be a business of technology, produce, arts, you name it, all of them are large scale expressions of the human bodily functions and ability on an individual level which also puts into argument that the fractal existence of our reality can actually be observed on a massive scale.

In relation to Google having a Consciousness, that also does not entirely comply, unless all things are conscious to begin with which means the very idea of Google being Conscious was a benign statement anyway. Considering the fact that the topic of 'everything being conscious' has nothing to do with comparing Google to the operation of the human soul and motivation for comfort, means that the topic 'everything is conscious' needs to be temporarily removed from the process of understanding why Google is only a reflection and not an act of consciousness in the first and foremost theory; these are technically 2 different types of conversations about the same thing.

The reason why Google is not Conscious is because it does not express anything other than what it's users program it to express. Google is therefore, literally, obviously, and observably, a BRAIN operated by human 'homunculis' with there neuron computers. The Internet is the biggest brain in the world, and the collective consciousness is the soul of that brain, expressing through that brain, gaining attention through that brain and nothing more.

But the theory of consciousness goes deeper than technicalities compared to Google search engines, as we start to understand other parts of consciousness.

The most disconnecting and yet spiritual experience you can have is on some kind of intense hallucinogenic drug- the illegal ones specifically. The reason why this occurs is because of how your consciousness reacts to your brain- not the drug like most people think. LSD for instance is a serotonin faker. What I mean to say is that when serotonin is firing off in the brain at a healthy amount, it's because of various 5-HT receptors in the brain that are being fed by drugs. Those drugs that carry several different forms of 5-HT are actually found in fruits, vegetables, proteins, calcium, carbohydrates, you name it, all food caters to 5-HT receptors with vitamins and minerals for the average human to have a healthy and balanced brain. SO when you take a Hallucinogen, what happens is the brain receives a serotonin faker. The brain is tricked by the drug into thinking that it has more 5-HT2A serotonin than it needs, and it goes into over drive to process it, only to find out that- "HEY! that's not 5-HT2A, that's LSD!" and all the sudden, the reality you are viewing starts to alter.

WHY though, why does reality alter, why do people see patterns, enhanced colors, swirling and melting effects under the influence of hallucinogenics? I thought that reality was there as a solid foundation for me to live my life on- well, that's not true in the case of 'CONSCIOUSNESS!' That's right.

Technically, your brain isn't a brain at all! It's an inside out antenna directed at your perception. Or in what you're perceiving right now, an outside in antenna so it appears. Confused? Let me explain. Your reality is completely dictated to you- not just by what you are forced to view every time you wake up in the morning to go about your day, it's dictated to you by what your 5-HT receptors are telling you it is. A chemical imbalance of 5-HT could make you mis-interpret your reality. So now you could go completely science fiction and say that the reality you're viewing right now is literally a type of nightmare- a dream you cannot escape, where all physical matter is a complete illusion, and even the existence of 5-HT is only a piece of fractal evidence in this reality for your consciousness to comprehend, and be convinced of, with true painful and pleasurable experiences. You're only convinced!

The moment you as a person do not move anymore, the moment you as a person do not blink, the moment your heart is not pumping, we all know you are a dead person. This is the same with Google and the internet where as the "Internet Brain" is only operating as a form of 5-HT that the rest of us are using to perceive the reality with in the internet, boosting our awareness from a small world with our eyes closed to viewing a global squint.

So then the question comes in, "what is consciousness?" and we watch videos over and over discussing all the different angles of consciousness, but the truth of the matter is very simple. If you're dead, you're not conscious, and if you're alive, you're conscious. Why? Because you've made an Expression somehow, someway that lets everyone around you know you're alive. You formed communication, your heart is beating, you are expressing. Even if you went from a complete genius and got into a car accident that damaged your brain and you were a vegetable, you would still 'express' yourself, and therefore, we would know you are alive. That right there should tell you that consciousness isn't technically a mental situation, it's a situation of being animated.

But when coming back to the most personal question that religions across the globe try to thwart as the truth, "Where does my consciousness lye?" the answer to that is universal no matter which way you tried to look at it, so saying you have a soul isn't a lie- it's a fact- we labelled it. The fact of the matter is, your simply just a speck receiving a signal like a television set that your 5-HT receptors are turning into a picture for you to comprehend- as far as the science of this reality tells us- would it be different in another reality; another dream? "What is Consciousness?" people ask.

I have a theory. Consciousness is literally "FEEDBACK." Just like a microphone too close to a speaker, the signal of feedback running around and around in circles over the same information over and over and over, checking, double checking, triple checking, etc. The problem with feedback though, is that when it happens in a setting with no obstacles, it's just a flat high pitch tone where the energy of the audio signal gets comfortable.

I invented something called a DEFNOX which is a musical instrument which demonstrates the process of consciousness. I am going to use it as a reference to this this explanation;
The signal peaks out because it's "comfortable" there. However, if you run the signal through a pitch shifting guitar pedal and digital delay pedal, it does 2 things. The Delay acts as a ruder that pushes the signal through in several parts, and when you change the pitch of the signal, the parts scatter into new boundaries for the signal to endure, and the signal struggles against all these new boundaries to fight for the peak out signal again where it can be comfortable.

Comfort is a huge part of Consciousness as it gives everyone the WANT to achieve success and then Rest. You cannot have comfort until you complete the tasks of survival. In this case, the feedback signal being pitch shifted out of it's comfort zone.

Things get even more interesting when I balance the threshold of the feedback with a permanently pitch shifted scale on the Whammy Pedal. When the sound appears from the change, the signal gets stuck in a glimmering meditative... almost wind chime like sound. The signal is stuck between a rock and a hard place where it can't peak out. The reason that wind chime sound with in this process is so significant is because the feedback, while stuck in one place, unable to peak out into a flat note, is "Glimmering." It's making that chime sound chaotically, it's literally making 'Decisions.' It may just be a few guitar pedals running feedback through it- no memories, no strategies, no understanding of what it's even doing, it doesn't even know it's alive at all- but the fact of the matter is, is that it's making an expression, and therefore, It's a replication of artificial consciousness. Hence why it's called a DEFNOX (Divergent Electronic Frequency Network Operated eXpression)

Consciousness in this perspective therefore, is the looping of a receiving energy within a specific part of the brain where all information comes to which I'd like to assume is the Pineal glad because it is kept healthy with 5-HTP. The energy loops with in an area that cannot be determined, which means it's literally a speck just like the DEFNOX signal is also technically, a speck. You hear the expression of that speck in the speakers. The Speck I had spoken about before. The speck which is the exact measurement of all existence, and the existences that exist around that speck's existence. This ultimately also proves that everything is in fact conscious by default because in order to be a human or animal, you have to have a memory in order to create strategies that propose an end result in comfort. A Venus Fly Trap does not have a memory, it's only a reaction as a type of machine in nature that only knows that when a fly is caught that it will feel more comfortable- it knows nothing else, it knows not that it's even alive. Just because you do not have a memory does not mean you are not conscious, because every speck of matter acts similarly to a DEFNOX- a contained signal with in that machine, only looks like a couple of guitar pedals from the outside. The truth is, all reality is conscious and therefore alive as it is expressing itself to you as the reality that it is.

Wow... what a paradoxical oxymoron.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The MADNESS begins

I JUST suffered 2 hours of abdominal pain and severe nausea without vomiting after taking 1000mg of 5-HTP- approximately 5 pills of 200mg 5-HTP, 3 hours ago around 11:00PM (Now: 2:09 AM 4/19/2014) in the name of science; to view "THE HYPER CONSCIOUSNESS".

WHY? For god sake WHY? -- "I am the Scientist, and I am also the Guinea Pig." As long as I know it won't kill me, and I have Liquid Calcium Magnesium with Zinc Supplementation, I think everything's going to be okay as far as my stomach lining goes. Don't laugh I'm serious. As for the pain, I was forced to pop the Pink Pepto Pill. It took approximately 45 minutes to really stop the pain though, most painful abdominal ever.

I have 2 big questions right now as I partake in the scientific research concerning 'consciousness' and the 5-HT family. This alludes to the idea that it's possible to construct a Hallucinogenic Anti-Psychotic like Marijuana at an intense level, to the extent of LSD with the sobriety of Piracetam. However, the process behind building such a drug is going to start with the 5-HT family, and finding the natural chemical balance that will cater to specific 5-HT centers, specifically the 5-HT2A WITH visual hallucinations and waking dream state awareness- combine with .

THIS IS WHY I EXPERIMENTED WITH MYRISTIC ACID. MyrA is close, but no cigar. MyrA doesn't produce 5-HT2A hallucinations. However, this is more MY personal type of drug ANYWAY because it's a full blown Nootropic for recreational use that lasts up to 3-4 days on average low dose. I also had the personal liberty off the record to take both LSD and Myristic Acid together at extremely low doses to verify their differences, (when I say low dose for LSD, I mean a fraction of a hit- 1/8th) and the LSD simply scattered the MyrA's 'Sharp thought' activity into abstraction and eventually as the effects became heavier- just complete confusion. And then- because the MyrA is such a strong Hyper-Sobriety Nootropic, the deep thoughts associated with LSD seemed to turn into cognitive clouds. This means the MyrA and the LSD are counter products- MyrA is literally some type of Anti-Psychotic, and of course LSD is a Hallucinogen.

If the theory behind the D.E.F.N.O.X. serves correct, that means consciousness is an energy loop, a feedback loop, or a type of "milisecond double-tripple-quadruple check (like double checking over and over)" being received by a spiritual means- literally, the end of the road for science at that point- you're going Quantum Mechanics and Fringe after that. But the notion is that the receiver of the reality is much like the matrix, whereas the body is cultivating the signal produced in this reality to be received by 'the soul.'

This returns to the 5-HT receptors which Literally dictates what reality the soul is encompassing. For all you know, there's people out there who have a malfunction of 5-HT2A who have insomnia and live in a reality of fractal visual hallucinations, without ever realizing that that's not the same reality everyone else is involved in. I'm talking about Schizophrenia, whereas it could be 5-HT1A removing their awareness of a number of things.


Let me tell you all about this, because I'm finding it entirely fascinating right now- the people who made my pills really did their job, this is no placebo effect.

My Awareness is definitely on point (Which sucks when you have abdominal pain).
My heart rate was a little faster earlier but entirely normal right now.
I feel a bit TOO awake as well, which means the 5-HTP is working a full spectrum of 5-HT receptions all at once which explains;
I'm having Hyper Sober visuals. What the hell is that? It's not hallucinating, that's for sure, but everything that would happen on LSD, the patterns, the entire Fractal grid is lost in a slight blur where the only recognition of it shows in the sort of hypnotic, rapid, vivid, yet subtle tunnel light show effect. It's not something you could just SEE, it's something I noticed over the course of the experience as something subtle- a type of frame work that exposes the 5-HT2A working in unison with the rest of the 5-HT Receptors. The pattern thing is very familiar to anyone who has used LSD, so to see the patterns being 'controlled' is a fascinating situation. Problem is that shit is over already because my stomach doesn't hurt anymore.
The head high is prevalent STILL.

The abdominal pain returns at 2:55AM

While it's a disputable subject to make a hallucinogen that's anti-psychotic (Because counteractive drugs like MAOIs and LSD together can cause seizures) I also know that's not entirely true, FOR A FACT.

All you really have to do is mix 2 different drugs which at this point right now is looking like highly extracted Cannabidiol (a known anti-psychotic trigger for 5-HT1A) with Ketanserine (an expensive form of 5-HT2A Reception trigger for visual hallucinations).

Whether or not that actually works is all theory. I'm not gonna spend $150.00 on a bottle of Ketanserine unless I can just throw the damn money around like it was super lotto. This leads me to extracting 5-HT2A from Mexamine (Melatonin) which is a long process I don't have the materials for.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My Practical Innovation Report on 'Myra' [My-Ruh] (Myristic Acid)


        While laughed at in the world of drugs, Nutmeg was actually known to be Nostradamus' favorite intoxicant. I now understand why. Nutmeg contains both Safrole [3,4-methylenedioxy allylbenzene] (otherwise known as 'Sasafrass') and Myristicin [5-methoxy 3,4-methylenedioxy allylbenzene] which I have named 'Myra'. Myra is not well known in the drug world, and is still being tested today. It's most potent form is actually found in Parsley Seeds. My experiment with Nutmeg Seeds to extract Myra specifically, were done as a test of household creation, rather than lab creation which would include steam and vaccum distillations. My experiment was concluded after 21 days.

The part of Nutmeg that people are unaware of is that the Myra evaporates quickly. This is why people at home try to smoke, or heavily ingest pre-ground Nutmeg with no effect, because the Myristic Acid evaporates with in only a few days. The moment you grind up a seed of Nutmeg, the shelf-life of the Myristicin is literally only 1 day, and after that it's weak to nothing. A lot of forms of making Nutmeg into a solution that can be taken for hallucination- does not work. It cannot be boiled into a tea form, or slowly simmered into a tea, or low simmered into a tea or milk- none of these work to the degree that Myra is capable of, because the heat makes the Myra turn to steam and it quickly evaporates, most likely with in only 15-30 minutes.

Because of this, you can Grind up all of your Nutmeg Seeds and put them in a jar, and keep refrigerated; as long as there is no heat there to cause the evaporation, the Myra will stay.

The most effective way of getting Myra into your system is by ingestion. The recipes behind ingestion includes: Raw Ground Nutmeg in Eggnog, Acetone separated Myra into Grape seed oil, and Myra steamed into bread. Smoking it works, but at minimal effect. Teas are also minimal effect but smoking it would be far more noticeable than it being a Tea.

EFFECTS: The Head change is noticeable with in 5 minutes, and the Effects are intensified with in 2-3 hours; a duration of 8 hour climax with 2-3 day experience, 12 hour comedown with no negative side effects aside from possible stomach discomfort. For those who have not had a good nights rest, there is a high possibility that you will pass-out into a coma like sleep approx. 3 hours into your Nutmeg experience (I highly suggest taking 1 full nutmeg seed 3 hours before you sleep at night to give you a full nights rest before you awaken the next morning and ingest another 3 Nutmeg seeds for the trip.) 3 Nutmeg seeds cause depth perception changes, mood lifting euphoria, and more focused thoughts, as if you're even more sober with a big head high. 6 Nutmeg seeds can cause Depth Perception Hallucinations (size of perceived objects warp out of proportion), dry mouth, delirium, and other trailing trip like effects.

The LETHAL DOSE is over 8 seeds for an average hight and weight of 130lbs to 5.5 ft. tall.

Right now, the best way to get a trip out of Myra is to either eat 4 tablespoons of Nutmeg, or take drops of Parsley Seed Essential Pure Oil. Otherwise, it's almost impossible to take in the amount of Myra that causes the full effect like the following recipes.
with all recipes, it should be noted that 200-400mg of Motrin should be accompanies with the ingestion of Myristicin as it tends to cause headaches. these are easily avoidable by simply taking 200mg of Motrin.

Myristic Acid Raw
1. Grind 3-4 Nutmeg Seeds (Approx. 15g-20g or 1/2-3/4 ounce) into a powder.
2. Mix powder with glass of water.
3. (1)a. Chug it. (Because Myra is an oil, it must be drank with little to no milk, so that you can experience a full effect. Water is the best alternative since it separates in your stomach.)
   (1)b. The Traditional Nutmeg with Eggnog is essentially eating raw Fresh Ground Nutmeg that's mixed in with it, and so it's suggested to eat Raw Nutmeg with Eggnog, but you will need to put a little more in than the average dose.
   (2) Smoke 1 teaspoon (Smoking Nutmeg does work, but the effects are clearly only a head high with everything else mild to nothing. It's very simple; grind up 1 whole Nutmeg seed ->Fresh<-, and smoke a teaspoon of it. Each bowl you smoke should be inhaled and held in the lungs for as long as possible as the head high will show more effect the longer you hold it in. That's as far as that goes though, and any further, you'll feel nauseous and produce a headache much later.)

Myristic Acid By Steamed Sourdough Bread
(This process is similar to Steam Distillation, only we've kept all the components of the distillation inside 1 container, and it's 3 original containers we've only changed into 3 '*distillation steps'. The Myrisitic Acid will catch the steam and stick to the Sourdough Bread's spongey surface. Steam Distillation is still obviously much more effective, but this method works very very well.)
1. Grind 4 Nutmeg Seeds into a powder.
2. Place at the bottom of a small pot that has a grill in it for steaming vegetables.
3. add a small amount of water to make the nutmeg muddy, but not too much water, just enough to make the nutmeg muddy.
4. Place the grill over the Myra mud and put 1 piece of sourdough bread on the grill inside.
5. (*1) Cover the pot with a lid, and let the pot simmer on minimal low for 45 minutes.
6. (*2) Take the pot off the stove and place in a lukewarm area for 5 minutes.
7. (*3) Move it to the freezer where it can cool down for another 20 minutes or so, allowing the steam inside to settle, and for the remaining Myristic Acid & moisture to gather with the bread.
7. Remove the lid to take out the cold and wet piece of bread- eat it quickly and discard everything else. (The bread will taste DISGUSTING! I have never tasted any drug more disgusting than eating Myra-bread. It's bitter- you can taste the Myristic Acid in the bread, and it's texture may cause you to dry heave, but the effects of this method are almost instant with a head change and euphoria after you can manage to swallow the first bite. It gets easier to eat as you go because the high is altering your perception of the bread.)

Myristic Acid By Acetone
I'm not aware of whether or not this works in personal experience, but it's obviously going to work, and the outcome is going to be just as favorable.
1. Grind 12 Nutmeg Seeds (approx 60g or 2 ounces) into a powder.
2. Place in a tightly covered mason jar and leave in the sun for 2 to 3 days.
3. The White Precipitate will appear on the side; the Myristic Acid. Scrape all the White off and place in a dry container.
4. (step 1) Mix with tiny amount of Grape seed Oil to preserve and liquidate for consumption.
       (step 2) Pour into potion bottle

Myra evaporates quickly.
Fresh Ground Nutmeg Seeds, or Fresh Ground Parsley seeds must be refrigerated to keep Myra toxicity from evaporating.
Tea recipes do not work well- Not reccommended.
Smoking Fresh Ground Nutmeg does work, but not well and with negative effect.
Eating 4 Raw Fresh Ground Nutmeg Seeds is the most effective trip.
Myra is not a Hallucinogen, it's an Anti-Psychotic Neutropic that can turn into a Deliriant at higher doses (At doses lower than 3 Seeds, Myra is capable of causing healthy brain activity, focus, and an eventual calm mood- may be suggested for people with ADHD).

Ingestion of Myra is dangerous. We know that it's lethal when ingested because it causes harm to the kidneys and liver so all methods of ingestion are for rare occasions.

At the end of the day, Steam Distillation is the way to go, but keep in mid that the dose of steam distilled Myra is crucial to having a good sober time. This may be the kind of drug that can be produced where the Myra is concentrated for capsule pills. Each pill containing about a half teaspoon of Myristicin from just 1 Nutmeg Seed, and 50mg of Motrin (which needs be stated so that people understand that 8 of these pills is the FDA limit for Motrin). The truth of the matter is, this experiment has to migrate over to Parsley Seeds to see what the proper amount is for the seeds to undertake the exact same process the Nutmeg has gone through because the Parsley Seeds are a more effective approach to Myra.

The truth be told though, the best method for consuming Myra is through 'Vapor.' Which means if you can steam distill Myra into a crystalized form, and smoke it in a vapor pen, you'd be good for days, with no adverse effects that I'm currently aware of.


1. Put a pot of water on the stove, doesn't matter how much, and boil it til the water is bubbling to the top.
2. Once the pot is boiling, pour the ground up Nutmeg (about 3 seeds) into the pot and breathe in the steam for as long as possible.
BAM, you'll be good for days, with no adverse effects that I'm currently aware of.