Tuesday, June 24, 2014



Genetic mutation occurs all the time. We have Albinos, retardation, genetic diseases, etc... 
What is found BECAUSE of "Microevolution" is that Animals "ADAPT" to it's environmental status creating a new race of that species. And scientist like Darwin called it EVOLUTION to support the bigger portion of the theory; something that keeps changing overtime until the species becomes a completely different one, assuming that all species came from just ONE. Kind of like cross breeding, only the species develops a genetic mutation from the environment it adapts to.

Creationists are more interested in the human origin, and feel that Evolution is a threat to the idea that humans came from God, BECAUSE Evolution suggests that all living species came from just one species.
The fact of the matter is that either side hasn't much of anything to do with each other in the argument because Evolutionist don't have a clue where we came from, or any other animal that may have evolved over a long period of time- so that’s just an oxymoron- “We think all life came from one species but we don’t have evidence of how it started or what species all life came from, so that’s just a theory.”
You can find the genome changes in an Albino snake for instance has a similar DNA structure as a regular snake, and all other types of snakes, but how did a snake evolve from a fish or what have you, or what ever OTHER type of species it came from? So then the ‘Question of Origin’ ruins the Evolution concept, which is WHY the search for the MUTATION OF SPECIES IN THE GENOME is so important because the theory of evolution is incomplete without it.

‘Microevolution’ is just adaptation of a species- flat and simple. In order to have Macroevolution, you need the proof of the Species Mutating. That’s why including the ‘Microevolution’ as a part of Evolution is considered a COPOUT by Creationists and Scientists leaning towards Intelligent Design in this scientific debate. I don’t personally believe any of these now.

Microevolution is a fact because it’s a well known type of adaptation. But on the bigger picture, when we're looking at all the animals in the entire world, we're going to have to come to grips with the idea that something else had to have happened simply because we only see the adaptation of the species to it's environment, not an entire species mutation from reptile to homosapien for instance. People say that the change happened over millions of years so we would have to see fossil records to suggest this change- but that would still require information concerning the mutation of species in the Genome. We can’t confuse that human have a lineage with ape just by looking at their similarities and making the assumptions. So the species never changes as far as we know- only the race of it.

Where's the mutation of the species in the genome, where’s the proof of the step to step process like picture to picture in cartoon animation? Even the Homosapian fossils found (http://humanorigins.si.edu/evidence/human-fossils) from ‘Ardipithecus kadabba’ to ‘Sahelanthropus tchadensis’ aren’t enough weight for the idea that man evolved from chimp. We have genetic similarities to Apes, and we also have similarities to the Daffodil Flower. This also puts a lot of weight on the Ancient Astronaut theory that “I’ll believe when I see.”

There's a lot to suggest that reptiles came from one origin while homosapians came from another, and if that's the truth, there’s a high possibility Man didn't come from an ape, but came from some other type of human origin since we see several different races of human across the planet, we know that humans had adapted to his several different environments, but all humans are intelligent, while the ape is not so much. The suggestion that Man came from Ape out of a Species Mutation in the Genome needs to be found in this missing link that doesn’t CURRENTLY exist. “Paleogenomics is a difficult field because it often requires finding suitable fossils with well-preserved DNA.” The Neanderthal for instance, coexisted with Humans during our primitive years, and then they just disappeared… I assume by disease. Neanderthal may be the only missing link though and I don’t discredit the idea. (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/01/140129-neanderthal-genes-genetics-migration-africa-eurasian-science/) But we’ll need more information to clear it up, to see the genetic mutation of the species in the genome.

"Genetic drift occurs when a population's allele frequencies change due to random events." - Wikipedia

"I interpret 'rate of evolution' as a rate of adaptive change. In this sense, the substitution of a neutral allele would not constitute evolution." - Richard Dawkins

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