Wednesday, September 9, 2015

MSPA converted me to Daoism

I want to be ruthlessly honest about religion now because I’ve dug so deep into the science of psychology light and sound. It’s not to say that I’m sure of myself, but that I have a better idea than most people who post a lot of ignorant statements on the Internet.
1. Never be too sure of yourself.
Science openly admits that its conclusions can be thwarted by new conclusions and results, ultimately changing the belief of what our reality is. When I see people saying negative things about other religions, The opinions that form those negative statements are biased, and are caused by a lack of education about other religions to begin with. The bottom line is that people are choosing a belief when Science doesn’t believe anything that can’t be explained in calculation; making skeptics hypocrites of passionate believers.
2. Ignoring Consequence is Denial.
A lot of Religions focus on the consequences of actions people make, and the widely believed opinion about this is that totalitarian minds formed these stories to better control populations. However, MSPA shows a line in reality that all things are a fractal emulations of each other, and therefore reality itself is composed of the same actions and emotions that a human or animal has. Newton’s law “For every action, there is an equal opposite reaction,” gets more interesting when applied to an Electro-magnetic-sound Universe. That means all actions are a force that pushes out from a magnetic core, and then that force has to eventually return in a different form like compost feed the seeds of new plant life. Even-though the energy is pushed out in one form, it can return in another all at once, or in a dispersed form. Regardless, all energy is recycled. Our current culture wants to believe that there are no consequences for easy resolutions that take advantage of others, but MSPA shows that this is not the case, that all energy recycles and returns to it’s starting point. 
3. Satan is only real because of Cults.
It’s obviously observable that if Satan is real, he is nowhere to be seen. The same can be said about God. But what is important to understand is that God exist through the actions of people in their cultures, and the same goes with Satanic Cults. Because the Collective Consciousness recognizes both figures as ‘Light and Dark’, the human race will always be effected by duality and the separation of powers. The human race could very well be enacting the mental states of our physical light and dark because all reality is a fractal emulation of itself. However, because of this emulation, it would appear- on a psychological level anyway- that both Satan and God DO actually exist because we as cultures are emulating them. What should ultimately terrify you then, is that Satanic Cults have completely monopolized the Entertainment Industry, and possibly the Financial and Political system. So when you see Celebrities denouncing Jesus Christ, doing Satanic hand gestures during their performances, and enacting Satanic rituals in front of entire audiences, not only are they pushing out negative energy that must recycle, the people there watching the rituals are being indoctrinated by basic 'Spells’ that the Collective Conscious has to recognize in it’s spectrum. This is a bad thing because if whole populations are overly demoralized, Cultures can decompose into 'Over-Population Symptoms’ that ultimately leads to Extinction. That’s a scientifically observable fact.
4. Morals prevent Social Decomposition.
A society that cooperates in trust advances quicker than a society with very little trust, and we observe this in American Urban Cultures. The lack of trust is so high that people don’t even trust their own police force. Lust for instance, leads to people acting on sex to decide their relationships, which opens the relationship up to disappointment once both partners realize they’re not a good match; arguing, cheating, and even abusive behavior brews out into a decomposing relationship. In the end, both partners are heartbroken, and bitter towards other possible companions that could turn out to be a healthy relationship for either of them. The point is, the “sin” is called 'Lust’, when the truth is, the only reason the moral was created is to keep harmony within culture. Where there is an enharmonic relationship, there is a growing mass of enharmonic behavior in a culture based on moral trust. This goes with every moral, which provides fairness to each person in the culture. But our society isn’t the way it is today because of demoralized populations, it’s because of immoral messages.
5. Perception is Programming.
The ultimate 3 culprits of demoralized behavior in our cultures is caused by: Politics enabling illegal activity; Monetary Monopolies and Centralized power of money; Entertainment preying on insecurity to create acceptance through rebellious behavior. Ultimately, the reason for all of this is technically the 'Centralization of Power’ which breads effective influence over the Collective Consciousness. Basically, if 1 person can effect the opinions and abilities of an entire mass culture, that culture is just a trained body for the Central Power to play 'Host’ to, much like a Parasite. So in essence, there’s enough obvious symptoms in our culture to conclude that there is a 'Parasite’ within the system. And if it’s not the Emulation of Satan in the Collective Consciousness, or Corruption of Centralized Power, it could also be the mere toying of our political structure by outside entities altogether.
6. Reality works in Guilt by Association.
The only real way to escape the inevitable Extinction of the human race is to escape the human race’s thought patterns, or plant thought patterns that make scientific sense- so as to be indisputable. However, because people are choosing these beliefs of taking advantage of each other, the only real solution is to refuse their culture, as well as refuse their entire belief system.
7. Daoism naturally refuses Separation and Duality.
The entire act of Daoism is based on the idea that there is no Pastor, Priest, or Elder to teach you the way of Dao, the entire Culture has a responsibility to this- so there is no Centralized Power. The Dao is the first Religion of China that Buddhism spawned off of. In Daoism, God is both light and darkness, is where the yin-yang symbol came from, and all human actions are merely going to receive the reaction of our yin-yang reality. This eventually was mapped out into the understanding of Newtons law unknowingly, and formed 'Morals’ based on the idea that negative energy returns negative energy, and positive energy returns positive energy. What’s more fascinating is that there are many theologians who have found reason to believe that Jesus Christ was actually a Daoist, and assumes the idea that the current Dalai Lama is the Lamb of God in Revelations. These ideas of Jesus and the Lamb are major stretches, and I’m not condoning the belief, but it must be appropriately considered. The Dalai Lama is a Tibetan Buddhist, which is regarded as a Religion of Kindness, that which is a direct reflection of Daoist beliefs who’d seen that all kindness is lost to separation and duality. Where both yin and yang are accepted as the same, kindness is formed, and all centralized power ultimately belongs to reality itself, rather than in the hands of mistakable or selfish decision making. We don’t necessarily see this occurring in Christian/Catholic religions, in fact we observe hypocrisy even though they believe in the almost identical beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism and Daoism. The only main difference is that Jesus Christ believed that man could not live long enough to understand the importance of Daoist like concepts and change for a better cultural harmony, so he died to prove that God/Yin-Yang is real, and that he is the son of God. By worshipping him, you prove your guilt to acting in separation (Selfishness), and not kindness (Selflessness) which would show compassion and selflessness to God. But by taking initiative to separate one’s self- ironically- from a society acting in separation, there is more opportunity for one to find the understanding of kindness- and exclude one’s self from Social Decomposition. To display Compassion and Selflessness is to provide for those who choose to be a part of a culture of kindness, and build the culture in morals.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Musician income

Everyone in the world has messed up music. No one is making money in music except for the few who have the money to spend on it in the fashion industry- Hollywood ect. Even though there's more exposure and it's easier for musicians to be noticed because of the Internet, it is harder now because of that, it's a catch 22- so there needs to be something done, so that even the worst musician can make at least a penny. That's how serious this is because without money, music will not grow. Music is stunted right now. everyone just believes that this is the way it needs to be for music- that this is how it's supposed to be- like it's nature- but I'll tell you right now that if every musician had money, it wouldn't be based on how much money a musician has that makes him a good musician, it would be based on how good the musician is. No one would be buying their advertising to be a good musician, because that would be a proliferation already, everyone's already doing that, it would all come down to how good the musician is, and that's not what's going on right now. Musicians find lenders so they can spend their money on advertising, and that's how you know about a musician. There's good musicians on SoundCloud right now that the 'underground' knows about. I think they're 100% better than the shit we hear on the radio, if not up to the same par. So what's wrong with this picture? The music is not making money, and it's everyone's fault and everyone knows it. So now we know this all we need to do to change it, by allowing a musician to make at least a penny for his plays on soundcloud. It all comes back to sound cloud. If sound cloud had a billboard chart that was statistically showing you who is getting the most likes, and who was getting the most plays, because good musicians are making money to afford to upgrade, that would change music forever right there and would cause more economic demand for musicians that you don't know. They need to be able to make money off of the play, and it shouldnt come down to whether or not someone can afford to pay a musician, it should come out of the Internet's income from commercial advertising and user accounts. Because it's fair. What if every play sound cloud provided for you you got a penny out of it. If you get 1 million plays, that's a lot of pennies. people need to be making money right now, and if anybody on the Internet can help that happen at all, music sure as hell needs that help right now.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Human Corruption Determined

We see now the size of human intelligence on a grand scale as being a weak and apathetic individual sitting in a corner with an iPhone beating off to you porn. Of course there is the optimistic outlook of the future being grand and beautiful and which all possibilities can come from opportunities that people take to make the world a better place and I definitely see that that is true. However, if you have a problem, you don't just walk away from it and expect for it to go away because it won't. So let's think about the problem.
Some people are given everything so their problem is having everything. It appears that people having certain things in their lives makes them happy and cooperative with society. It could be estimated that if everybody was given the things that they wanted out of life that the system would work smoother and even improve. 
The question is: how do you make the most wealthy people in the world happy in such a way that it doesn't effect the society negatively?
It could be assumed that the reason the wealthy like a workforce is because they favor having their intelligence overbear others to create something bigger like a building or a statue or monument. Without a workforce those buildings could not be created; unless under another way I suppose by popularity.
Therefore the bottom line is the only true desire to control the population is for the intelligence to overbear a workforce into creating bigger things.
We literally have a sharing problem.
The rich don't want to share power and the people don't want to share ideas unless you give them power in exchange to help your idea.
So now we're looking at a topical interests about humans and their obsession with the ego. As if it's a type of mental disorder linked to a world pandemic of selfishness. However anyone thinks they're going to resolve this issue I can assure you that the bottom line resolution to this problem has everything to do with the reaction of a battery and a magnet.
Electricity running through a wire from one battery to another is a lot like a two-way highway going from one city to the next. The only difference is that as the tempo of the highway speeds up, the energy flows in either one direction or the other much like looking at light hitting bike spokes as it speeds up; it tends to appear as if it's going backwards. This thus creates the magnetic pull or the magnetic push.
With all of reality consisting of the energy found within electricity, it appears as if all of reality is a magnet and therefore the human body and mind is only a fractal reflection of this magnetic between barriers.
In essence, as far fetched as this explanation is, the point comes back to the human reacting as a battery, where he's pushing out energy and also pulling in energy. 
In terms of property, money, and ownership of intellectual property, our energy is very negative; as in selfish; as in a magnetic pull to take away from all the energy around us. That is literally the observation of primitive activity on a intellectual and calculated level. The act of survival, help yourself and no one else.
In essence, society does not know how to cooperate as a team; society only knows how to play a boardgame called monopoly in the office.
It is an incessant, indulgent behavior that has psychotically involved itself into our society like a glove with such a seductive propaganda from the people so afraid to lose the workforce that is selfishly owned like a thrown.
We see people along all kinds of neighborhoods locked into contracts to live in their homes as if they're on house arrest to a Credit Card Debt. The government has used a Federal bank fraud to arrest you to your home, and now you have to go out and look for a job just to pay for your own prison cell, just so they can have a workforce to build things that they want- you're used.
A person living in an apartment has no right to speak, a person living in a home has no right to speak, a person living in a mansion definitely has no right to speak, a person making over $3000 a month definitely has no right to speak when you see people who don't have money who can't take care of themselves, make themselves look proper, so they can go in for an interview and get a job. When you see people who can't help themselves, then you know what true poverty is, and what true Tyranny is. 
American tyranny is The media organized sale that we still live in the year 2001 where poverty causes itself, when the truth is we live in 2015 were poverty is caused by Aggressive Tyrannical Financial Fraud and Corruption.

What's more impressive now is that because we understand that the corporations and the government work together to enslave a nation without them knowing, you can definitely assume that you don't really have an America anymore at all. In fact the only America left is in your heart and in whatever flag you have left. 
Babylon has fallin Babylon has fallen.

Because we now understand the battery, the solution is of course to run the battery the opposite direction and push energy out; as in sharing or the act of giving without the need of having to receive anything- necessarily. This isn't to be confused with the act of 'taking', which would obviously be the opposite of pushing out energy, and so the idea of the social construct is to create a relationship between the people around you, where you don't have to expect anything from anyone because they all just give to you, as in essence, you also give to them.

This of course is linked to your most religious morals but it is obviously a psychological order of harmony. The challenge of human and earth, is to create a homeostasis between society and the ecosystem which starts with how we use energy as people.

If however, this is linked to some sort of psychological disorder that we have now determined by observation to be a very real thing amongst our society, then we must find a way to tame our impulse to magnetically pull energy, or be selfish. Even if it takes medicinal drugs. Even if it takes stem cell research and genetic modification. At the end of the day- at the end of human kinds history- I will mark it on the wall today- we will all die millions-thousands- hundreds of years in the future as an entire race, simply because we could not get rid of our reptilian brain instinct to take and take and take.

Maturity is patience, maturity is giving, and maturity is acceptance.

Friday, October 17, 2014


We are now observing the world in the perspective of the Alien, and as we look down at the Earth, we see this parasitic mite called humans eating away at living Animals and Plants that nurtures the Earth. The result of this is the Plastic Island out in the middle of the Ocean, Nuclear Fallout from poor management, Outbreak in Liberia without a travel restriction on the area, fewer resources to survive off of leading to chemical made resources, total enslavement of thousands of animals into livestock butchering, the wiping out of total rain forests for wood, etc... We see the Utopia Experiment (The result of which is extinction).

People who get a top university education... Are still idiots to me.
They may have knowledge but where did they learn to solve problems under pressure? Not school- that's a life thing.
When kids in college are sitting at desks for hours a day soaking up information, they aren't learning how to create new information with it.
If this WASN'T true, Ebola wouldn't be such a scare, Fukushima, plastic island; all of these problems that we're literally watching majorly educated people still discussing how to fix the problem.
Why is there no travel restrictions in Ebola infected areas?
Why isn't Plastic Island being RECYCLED?
They're still sitting over there trying to come up with a solution.
What does that tell you?
It tells me their education was a waste.
We should be listening to some second opinions.

I see the world around ME, and I feel sorry for YOU. I already know how the story ends but it Doesn't have to end that way... The Revolution will not be televised and therefore won't be effective. I hate the fact that I have to wait out a possibly long waste of waiting for this unintelligent self indulgent wealth spree to end.
Black chick born in France; tells me she's travelled like crazy: All of Europe, Argentina, Brazil, Canada (Quebec), Russia, Austrailia, tells me that America is disappointing. She says, "sure there's some awesome beaches and buildings and awesome people, cool palm trees in LA, but everybody's poor. There is no American dream. Russia is awesome compared to this, yet everyone in America talks down on Russia."

People are working, not concerning themselves with an active role in the world, but in their own personal social sphere, and completely oblivious to what the outside world is because all they see is a TV screen. They rely entirely on the TV to tell them News about Politics, World Events, etc... without ever having a chance to leave their own circumstances to see it for themselves. In essence they're all property to Special Interests that are used by way of their applications. They think Russia is a horrible country because America doesn't want Americans to listen to what Vladmir Putin has to say about America.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Scene from 'AMERICA 51' by Daniel Jacobs


Full Length Double Animated Feature Screenplay Comedy
by Daniel Jacobs

DIRTY is the top of top Corporate/Conglomerate C.E.O. of Sales and Distribution across the World. He's a Dirty little Rat- literally- he's a brown Rat dressed in a business suit with a straight mustache like Salvador Dali. He's never happy, and always wants things his way yesterday, while he praises his penis.

MR. SPLOOGE is the top of top Federal Banker of the world; and he's a duck. He talks like Donald Duck, has a Green head with a white stripe around his neck, wears a top hat, a monocle, and smokes cigarettes out of a typical cigarette crutch. Mr. Splooge sides with his colleagues Dirty and Face Banger to enslave America, somehow, some way.


Splooge and Dirty are in the Government office of 'Secretary to the President' Kelly Beaverbucks which it says on her desk plaque. Kelly is behind the desk, Splooge and Dirty sitting in front of the desk staring at her enormous boobs that are blown up under her shirt- she's a hot fox.

(taking a moment to understand like a person waking up)
Okay... so... wait a minute Mr. Splooge, you're telling ME, that our United States Military Secretary told YOU, all of that?

That's right! And then she said if we wanted an apology, that we had to stick our finger up our ass!

(Seductively to Dirty in her relaxed voice-)
Do you support this statement, Dirty?

You're damn right I do.

(Turned on...)
Well that just sounds like I need to pay the Military Operations Director a visit for some tension release.

Tension release? Does that sound like a situation of sexual deprivation??? First of all- That's nothing compared to the problems I have! And second of all- doesn't all of this smell fishy to you?? Can't you smell the pier??? I DEMAND ANSWERS!!!

(sexually groaning as she talks to them)
...well... I could pull a trick, a hand job, a BJ, that sort of thing, but I charge by the hour. Your desires come at a price. No bottom bitch is gonna do this shit for free. After all boys, the Government is a fiscal operation, and we definitely know how to get fiscal. We need as much fiscal activity as possible to pay off trillions of dollars of all our 'stupid bitch' spending.

(confused, turned on, and intrigued)
What other services do you provide, I'm curious?

(with his tongue out)
25 minutes is 20 bucks, right?

(feeling uncomfortable in her chair as she squirms and makes little sexual noises)
I think we have coupons... somewhere, I think they're...
(She gets up out of her chair, turns around and bends over to look through a box behind her chair, while the other two just stare at her butt.)
-hold on, let me just... I know there's gotta be something around here somewhere.

(wide eyed)
Do you do slumber parties?

(Turning back around and sitting in her chair putting the papers on the desk and fixing her boobs back and forth like cleaning a bowling ball for about 15 seconds before sitting down-)
Depends on how political it is.

Hardcore political. All the way. Like Dominatrix Political.

Extremely Political- we provide a horse!

(Thinking about it with calm sexual groans as she talks)
Hmm, I see... so this slumber party... is it part of the problem you have with the United States Military Products division's office?

(slightly sexually frustrated)
The solution is your involvement-what are you getting at? I don't understand.

(Getting really sexual with her voice)
-Look, I work for the Government. 
(She leans over the desk with her boobs bursting on the surface at Dirty and Mr. Splooge)
That means I work for the President of a party, not the people. 
(she gets closer to them as she climbs over the desk seductively-)
And if he finds out that you're jacking him around-
(She points at them-)
-he'll jack back.

(defending himself quickly)
I didn't mean to imply that I was jacking anybody off, or that I wanted to get jacked off by your Pimp. We're just trying to get a better idea of what kind of work you do- we're highly involved in political positions.

Such as...

Missionary, Doggy Style, Down Under...

(being optimistic)
We could at-least file a BJ form.

(cutting him off-)
MMMaybe you can be a little more descriptive at another time. Until then I'm going to quote you the cost here... let me see... $50,000,000.00

(Amazed and confused)
Fifty Million for what???

(Seductively again as she moves back towards sitting behind her desk-)
To see through the proposition of the Military Intelligence programs director whom you say called you a Scummy Douche, to arrive at a brief meeting in Congress to Explain himself, and the actions you've reported here.

Great! So we'll see them in Congress!

Wait- that comes with a BJ, right?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Constitutional Republic Trumps our current Government Form

I want a 'Constitutional Republic'... not a Democracy.

A Constitutional Republic is a system where the Senate(the States) have the highest ranking power in the Government. In this situation, the Federal Government is forced by the States to abide by the Constitution, and the Federal Government is employed by the Senate- not the other way around. In this way, the Government doesn't necessarily change, the powers are just put in a new place.
If Congress passed a law and the states chose not to abide by that law, the Federal Government can't force them like they are now, because they're below the Senate.
The Executive office would go from being a central power in government, to being a speaker for the Senate and Congress decisions.
This situation takes away the power of the Federal Government acting as a central mix board to the country, and takes the power of corruption away from controlling that mix board, because now, all states are Republics, and they don't have to listen to the Federal Government, the Federal Government has to listen to THEM.
In order to Corrupt an entire country bound in this Constitutional Republic, a team of corruption would have to travel the nation state by state trying to instill it's policies, and if one state went down while others disagreed with these policies, the surrounding states can scrutinize the perceived corruption of that state, and decide as a nation to react to it through the 'employed' Federal Government. That means Corruption is too hard to accomplish because the powers are split up between 51 states.
And the amount of time it would take to instill corrupt policies into each state would take so long that by the end of it, we'll have already figured out whats going on, and have stopped it.
That's what I want; a Constitutional Republic.

The Reluctant Alien Contact and our Hostage Situation

When we live in our own homes and have control of our own property, we react to everything that happens with in it.
When we’re employed, we react to whatever it is we’re PAID to react to, and nothing more.
When we go shopping at a store or what have you, and something happens with in, we allow the people who own that property, or work their to handle it.
If we back up and look at the public view, you might realize that the only thing we really react to as people is "YOURSELF" and the things which belong to "YOU."
Therefore no one believes the world belongs to them, the world belongs to their EMPLOYER.
Kind of a silly lie you keep telling yourself, huh.
Aliens should remain a secret for reasons you will appreciate:
Fukushima is not being managed well, and if it wasn't for the fact that I'm financially hamstrung and imprisoned to this economy, I'd at least be learning from scientist personally and throwing out idea after idea until something can be practically innovated to resolve it. Because we are this kind of society that cannot function outside of our prison cell economy, we are immature. We all have something to give, but your Government keeps shoving you off and telling you to rely on them to solve a problem that they don't want you to even know about.
Our Foreign relations has become such a cock fight of world leaders anticipating war, that we can see no end to an imminent world war. An initiative based on a central power trying to economize every country into one economy so that the world can become one audit under the control of one central mix board to control the power of people to create with financial backing, and invade your privacy and finances (once that happens, the world belongs to one person). These people are so engulfed in the idea that they're going to win Eurasia's economy that they can't see the forest through the trees and therefore, the world cannot have a reasonable discussion on improving our foreign relations and resolve the real issues that would enable us to reverse the negative psychological effects of society. If I could help that- I'd do that too. I'm Financially Imprisoned.
The growing population has become such a problem that our own United States Government has created a conspiracy to kill people. Instead of facing the problems head on and discussing practical means with society to alter the situation, they'd rather not talk about it and kill you. They've supposedly used Chem-trails to poison the air, GMOs to cause disease in foods, Poisoned the water with Flouride to make people dumber and deteriorate them, all in the name of Population control. This subject is so serious that I know things about it that is not for public discussion. The GMOs are there for our growing society to compete against the lack of resources that, if we out grow them, we will go EXTINCT. We will not have enough food to feed an overgrown population which in clinical studies causes extinction. This is their concern. What we should be doing is expanding society into newer regions and expecting everyone to learn how to grow their own food- on top of building space stations if we can (if that's not science fiction) to give people a new home outside the earth so that our population doesn't endure this stress. If I wasn't Financially Imprisoned once again...
The fact that our society focuses so much on IQ scores and Education certificates to ensure that they are working with people who are "Smart" to resolve issues, have not considered that people who get Ds and Cs in school are 'Street Smart' or in other words- "Problem Sovlers." As we watch our world decaying, and the Government stumbling over themselves wondering how to fix all these problems with all their education, one should wonder how Street Smart they are, and should realize the inconsiderate nature of robot like minds to think that knowledge is the pinnacle of solving problems. It's not. Creativity solves problem. Flat out. Where are those people, and why aren't they a part of the problem solving process? If I wasn't financially imprisoned...
I could go on and on about the several problems this world is facing, and yet the ignorance prevails over these problems only to make them WORSE! WHY do you think an extra-terrestrial race that is being documented to have associated with our U.S. Military is even remotely interested in speaking with what should be perceived as 'Children' completely destroying their own house? If you came upon a house filled with children destroying it, what would you do? I'll tell you what I would do:
I walk up to this open front door where these kids are screaming and playing, - the house is trashed worse than the next morning after a raging party, and there's not a parent in sight. First I stop one of the kids and ask him, "We're your Mommy and Daddy?"
"We don't have a Mommy and Daddy."
So then I get on my Cell Phone and call the Child Protective Services and the Police. Then The Police show up and see this outrageous mess that so out of control they don't want to enter the house, because low and behold, these kids have WEAPONS! The police stand outside thinking of a safe way to encounter the situation with out killing these innocent kids who are unaware of what they're doing inside this house. Finally there's an observation that "Shit's about to go down in there, and there's nothing we can do to stop it unless half those kids are killed by us in the process." The officers decide to let the situation play out until it is safe to remove these kids from their own stupid lethal madness.
A Quarter of these kids die. Finally the house is raged in crying, and fear as the house it literally falling a part and some of them flee from the house to the police as the police rescue them with open arms. The others inside with the weapons are still at harms way and the police have no choice but to enter the house and attempt to resolve the situation by discussion, to tell the kids, "Everything's going to be okay, you just need to put the guns down so that everyone can get better again."
Out of fear, these children don't respond in kind, and take an arrogant initiative firing at the police officers. The Police leave the house because they don't want to kill these kids. I'm talking about Earth as a house right now. This is our problem. We're in a hostage situation with our own governments and Extra-Terrestrials have no clue how to get these kids to put their guns down.
If only I wasn't financially imprisoned by these kids myself... or any of you smart individuals who have some sense on the situation as well... could we all just SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Just think of where we would be if we could get these kids to put the guns down.