Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Constitutional Republic Trumps our current Government Form

I want a 'Constitutional Republic'... not a Democracy.

A Constitutional Republic is a system where the Senate(the States) have the highest ranking power in the Government. In this situation, the Federal Government is forced by the States to abide by the Constitution, and the Federal Government is employed by the Senate- not the other way around. In this way, the Government doesn't necessarily change, the powers are just put in a new place.
If Congress passed a law and the states chose not to abide by that law, the Federal Government can't force them like they are now, because they're below the Senate.
The Executive office would go from being a central power in government, to being a speaker for the Senate and Congress decisions.
This situation takes away the power of the Federal Government acting as a central mix board to the country, and takes the power of corruption away from controlling that mix board, because now, all states are Republics, and they don't have to listen to the Federal Government, the Federal Government has to listen to THEM.
In order to Corrupt an entire country bound in this Constitutional Republic, a team of corruption would have to travel the nation state by state trying to instill it's policies, and if one state went down while others disagreed with these policies, the surrounding states can scrutinize the perceived corruption of that state, and decide as a nation to react to it through the 'employed' Federal Government. That means Corruption is too hard to accomplish because the powers are split up between 51 states.
And the amount of time it would take to instill corrupt policies into each state would take so long that by the end of it, we'll have already figured out whats going on, and have stopped it.
That's what I want; a Constitutional Republic.

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