Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Reluctant Alien Contact and our Hostage Situation

When we live in our own homes and have control of our own property, we react to everything that happens with in it.
When we’re employed, we react to whatever it is we’re PAID to react to, and nothing more.
When we go shopping at a store or what have you, and something happens with in, we allow the people who own that property, or work their to handle it.
If we back up and look at the public view, you might realize that the only thing we really react to as people is "YOURSELF" and the things which belong to "YOU."
Therefore no one believes the world belongs to them, the world belongs to their EMPLOYER.
Kind of a silly lie you keep telling yourself, huh.
Aliens should remain a secret for reasons you will appreciate:
Fukushima is not being managed well, and if it wasn't for the fact that I'm financially hamstrung and imprisoned to this economy, I'd at least be learning from scientist personally and throwing out idea after idea until something can be practically innovated to resolve it. Because we are this kind of society that cannot function outside of our prison cell economy, we are immature. We all have something to give, but your Government keeps shoving you off and telling you to rely on them to solve a problem that they don't want you to even know about.
Our Foreign relations has become such a cock fight of world leaders anticipating war, that we can see no end to an imminent world war. An initiative based on a central power trying to economize every country into one economy so that the world can become one audit under the control of one central mix board to control the power of people to create with financial backing, and invade your privacy and finances (once that happens, the world belongs to one person). These people are so engulfed in the idea that they're going to win Eurasia's economy that they can't see the forest through the trees and therefore, the world cannot have a reasonable discussion on improving our foreign relations and resolve the real issues that would enable us to reverse the negative psychological effects of society. If I could help that- I'd do that too. I'm Financially Imprisoned.
The growing population has become such a problem that our own United States Government has created a conspiracy to kill people. Instead of facing the problems head on and discussing practical means with society to alter the situation, they'd rather not talk about it and kill you. They've supposedly used Chem-trails to poison the air, GMOs to cause disease in foods, Poisoned the water with Flouride to make people dumber and deteriorate them, all in the name of Population control. This subject is so serious that I know things about it that is not for public discussion. The GMOs are there for our growing society to compete against the lack of resources that, if we out grow them, we will go EXTINCT. We will not have enough food to feed an overgrown population which in clinical studies causes extinction. This is their concern. What we should be doing is expanding society into newer regions and expecting everyone to learn how to grow their own food- on top of building space stations if we can (if that's not science fiction) to give people a new home outside the earth so that our population doesn't endure this stress. If I wasn't Financially Imprisoned once again...
The fact that our society focuses so much on IQ scores and Education certificates to ensure that they are working with people who are "Smart" to resolve issues, have not considered that people who get Ds and Cs in school are 'Street Smart' or in other words- "Problem Sovlers." As we watch our world decaying, and the Government stumbling over themselves wondering how to fix all these problems with all their education, one should wonder how Street Smart they are, and should realize the inconsiderate nature of robot like minds to think that knowledge is the pinnacle of solving problems. It's not. Creativity solves problem. Flat out. Where are those people, and why aren't they a part of the problem solving process? If I wasn't financially imprisoned...
I could go on and on about the several problems this world is facing, and yet the ignorance prevails over these problems only to make them WORSE! WHY do you think an extra-terrestrial race that is being documented to have associated with our U.S. Military is even remotely interested in speaking with what should be perceived as 'Children' completely destroying their own house? If you came upon a house filled with children destroying it, what would you do? I'll tell you what I would do:
I walk up to this open front door where these kids are screaming and playing, - the house is trashed worse than the next morning after a raging party, and there's not a parent in sight. First I stop one of the kids and ask him, "We're your Mommy and Daddy?"
"We don't have a Mommy and Daddy."
So then I get on my Cell Phone and call the Child Protective Services and the Police. Then The Police show up and see this outrageous mess that so out of control they don't want to enter the house, because low and behold, these kids have WEAPONS! The police stand outside thinking of a safe way to encounter the situation with out killing these innocent kids who are unaware of what they're doing inside this house. Finally there's an observation that "Shit's about to go down in there, and there's nothing we can do to stop it unless half those kids are killed by us in the process." The officers decide to let the situation play out until it is safe to remove these kids from their own stupid lethal madness.
A Quarter of these kids die. Finally the house is raged in crying, and fear as the house it literally falling a part and some of them flee from the house to the police as the police rescue them with open arms. The others inside with the weapons are still at harms way and the police have no choice but to enter the house and attempt to resolve the situation by discussion, to tell the kids, "Everything's going to be okay, you just need to put the guns down so that everyone can get better again."
Out of fear, these children don't respond in kind, and take an arrogant initiative firing at the police officers. The Police leave the house because they don't want to kill these kids. I'm talking about Earth as a house right now. This is our problem. We're in a hostage situation with our own governments and Extra-Terrestrials have no clue how to get these kids to put their guns down.
If only I wasn't financially imprisoned by these kids myself... or any of you smart individuals who have some sense on the situation as well... could we all just SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Just think of where we would be if we could get these kids to put the guns down.

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