Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Consciousness is Expression

In 2011, Rome Viharo declared that Google had all the parallels of consciousness according to a book written in 1991 'Consciousness Explained' by Daniel Dennet. I'm here to ruin Rome Viharo's day... sorry- I mean that sincerely.

Unfortunately, Google is only a reflection of the human brain being expressed. We know this because the internet doesn't have an expression other than the one people give it, which means the Internet in and of itself is a reflection of the human Collective Consciousness. If you had ever wondered if the collective consciousness was real, the Internet proves once and for all that it does, and it's because of what Daniel Dennet and Rome Viharo talk about. If the internet didn't exist today, the collective consciousness would still only exist mentally as ideas are agreed upon by word of mouth and formed as the social perspective, making the collective consciousness a virtual existence, even in the physical format of the computer and it's virtual internet.

But like I said, we even though the technicalities are there to support the idea that Google is conscious, that is only a reflection from individual to social sphere, not a literal interpretation of consciousness. For instance; Factories that cultivate, harvest, and package produce to be shipped to other people across the world are no different than the reflection of a man picking a fruit off a tree, and eating it. it's a small scale ability compared to a large scale ability. The factory cultivates, like the man himself could cultivate. The factories harvest, much like a man can pull the fruit off the tree. The factories package the produce to be shipped to people to receive and eat, and in other words... the man simply moves the fruit from the tree he picked it off of and transports it to his mouth. The process of our expressions as a society parallels the process of the individual's physical self, and the motivation of our conscious expressions is by the initiative of 'Comfort.' Remember that I stated 'Comfort' now, as I will come back to this later.

Anywhere you look in the world, whether it be a business of technology, produce, arts, you name it, all of them are large scale expressions of the human bodily functions and ability on an individual level which also puts into argument that the fractal existence of our reality can actually be observed on a massive scale.

In relation to Google having a Consciousness, that also does not entirely comply, unless all things are conscious to begin with which means the very idea of Google being Conscious was a benign statement anyway. Considering the fact that the topic of 'everything being conscious' has nothing to do with comparing Google to the operation of the human soul and motivation for comfort, means that the topic 'everything is conscious' needs to be temporarily removed from the process of understanding why Google is only a reflection and not an act of consciousness in the first and foremost theory; these are technically 2 different types of conversations about the same thing.

The reason why Google is not Conscious is because it does not express anything other than what it's users program it to express. Google is therefore, literally, obviously, and observably, a BRAIN operated by human 'homunculis' with there neuron computers. The Internet is the biggest brain in the world, and the collective consciousness is the soul of that brain, expressing through that brain, gaining attention through that brain and nothing more.

But the theory of consciousness goes deeper than technicalities compared to Google search engines, as we start to understand other parts of consciousness.

The most disconnecting and yet spiritual experience you can have is on some kind of intense hallucinogenic drug- the illegal ones specifically. The reason why this occurs is because of how your consciousness reacts to your brain- not the drug like most people think. LSD for instance is a serotonin faker. What I mean to say is that when serotonin is firing off in the brain at a healthy amount, it's because of various 5-HT receptors in the brain that are being fed by drugs. Those drugs that carry several different forms of 5-HT are actually found in fruits, vegetables, proteins, calcium, carbohydrates, you name it, all food caters to 5-HT receptors with vitamins and minerals for the average human to have a healthy and balanced brain. SO when you take a Hallucinogen, what happens is the brain receives a serotonin faker. The brain is tricked by the drug into thinking that it has more 5-HT2A serotonin than it needs, and it goes into over drive to process it, only to find out that- "HEY! that's not 5-HT2A, that's LSD!" and all the sudden, the reality you are viewing starts to alter.

WHY though, why does reality alter, why do people see patterns, enhanced colors, swirling and melting effects under the influence of hallucinogenics? I thought that reality was there as a solid foundation for me to live my life on- well, that's not true in the case of 'CONSCIOUSNESS!' That's right.

Technically, your brain isn't a brain at all! It's an inside out antenna directed at your perception. Or in what you're perceiving right now, an outside in antenna so it appears. Confused? Let me explain. Your reality is completely dictated to you- not just by what you are forced to view every time you wake up in the morning to go about your day, it's dictated to you by what your 5-HT receptors are telling you it is. A chemical imbalance of 5-HT could make you mis-interpret your reality. So now you could go completely science fiction and say that the reality you're viewing right now is literally a type of nightmare- a dream you cannot escape, where all physical matter is a complete illusion, and even the existence of 5-HT is only a piece of fractal evidence in this reality for your consciousness to comprehend, and be convinced of, with true painful and pleasurable experiences. You're only convinced!

The moment you as a person do not move anymore, the moment you as a person do not blink, the moment your heart is not pumping, we all know you are a dead person. This is the same with Google and the internet where as the "Internet Brain" is only operating as a form of 5-HT that the rest of us are using to perceive the reality with in the internet, boosting our awareness from a small world with our eyes closed to viewing a global squint.

So then the question comes in, "what is consciousness?" and we watch videos over and over discussing all the different angles of consciousness, but the truth of the matter is very simple. If you're dead, you're not conscious, and if you're alive, you're conscious. Why? Because you've made an Expression somehow, someway that lets everyone around you know you're alive. You formed communication, your heart is beating, you are expressing. Even if you went from a complete genius and got into a car accident that damaged your brain and you were a vegetable, you would still 'express' yourself, and therefore, we would know you are alive. That right there should tell you that consciousness isn't technically a mental situation, it's a situation of being animated.

But when coming back to the most personal question that religions across the globe try to thwart as the truth, "Where does my consciousness lye?" the answer to that is universal no matter which way you tried to look at it, so saying you have a soul isn't a lie- it's a fact- we labelled it. The fact of the matter is, your simply just a speck receiving a signal like a television set that your 5-HT receptors are turning into a picture for you to comprehend- as far as the science of this reality tells us- would it be different in another reality; another dream? "What is Consciousness?" people ask.

I have a theory. Consciousness is literally "FEEDBACK." Just like a microphone too close to a speaker, the signal of feedback running around and around in circles over the same information over and over and over, checking, double checking, triple checking, etc. The problem with feedback though, is that when it happens in a setting with no obstacles, it's just a flat high pitch tone where the energy of the audio signal gets comfortable.

I invented something called a DEFNOX which is a musical instrument which demonstrates the process of consciousness. I am going to use it as a reference to this this explanation;
The signal peaks out because it's "comfortable" there. However, if you run the signal through a pitch shifting guitar pedal and digital delay pedal, it does 2 things. The Delay acts as a ruder that pushes the signal through in several parts, and when you change the pitch of the signal, the parts scatter into new boundaries for the signal to endure, and the signal struggles against all these new boundaries to fight for the peak out signal again where it can be comfortable.

Comfort is a huge part of Consciousness as it gives everyone the WANT to achieve success and then Rest. You cannot have comfort until you complete the tasks of survival. In this case, the feedback signal being pitch shifted out of it's comfort zone.

Things get even more interesting when I balance the threshold of the feedback with a permanently pitch shifted scale on the Whammy Pedal. When the sound appears from the change, the signal gets stuck in a glimmering meditative... almost wind chime like sound. The signal is stuck between a rock and a hard place where it can't peak out. The reason that wind chime sound with in this process is so significant is because the feedback, while stuck in one place, unable to peak out into a flat note, is "Glimmering." It's making that chime sound chaotically, it's literally making 'Decisions.' It may just be a few guitar pedals running feedback through it- no memories, no strategies, no understanding of what it's even doing, it doesn't even know it's alive at all- but the fact of the matter is, is that it's making an expression, and therefore, It's a replication of artificial consciousness. Hence why it's called a DEFNOX (Divergent Electronic Frequency Network Operated eXpression)

Consciousness in this perspective therefore, is the looping of a receiving energy within a specific part of the brain where all information comes to which I'd like to assume is the Pineal glad because it is kept healthy with 5-HTP. The energy loops with in an area that cannot be determined, which means it's literally a speck just like the DEFNOX signal is also technically, a speck. You hear the expression of that speck in the speakers. The Speck I had spoken about before. The speck which is the exact measurement of all existence, and the existences that exist around that speck's existence. This ultimately also proves that everything is in fact conscious by default because in order to be a human or animal, you have to have a memory in order to create strategies that propose an end result in comfort. A Venus Fly Trap does not have a memory, it's only a reaction as a type of machine in nature that only knows that when a fly is caught that it will feel more comfortable- it knows nothing else, it knows not that it's even alive. Just because you do not have a memory does not mean you are not conscious, because every speck of matter acts similarly to a DEFNOX- a contained signal with in that machine, only looks like a couple of guitar pedals from the outside. The truth is, all reality is conscious and therefore alive as it is expressing itself to you as the reality that it is.

Wow... what a paradoxical oxymoron.

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