Saturday, April 19, 2014

The MADNESS begins

I JUST suffered 2 hours of abdominal pain and severe nausea without vomiting after taking 1000mg of 5-HTP- approximately 5 pills of 200mg 5-HTP, 3 hours ago around 11:00PM (Now: 2:09 AM 4/19/2014) in the name of science; to view "THE HYPER CONSCIOUSNESS".

WHY? For god sake WHY? -- "I am the Scientist, and I am also the Guinea Pig." As long as I know it won't kill me, and I have Liquid Calcium Magnesium with Zinc Supplementation, I think everything's going to be okay as far as my stomach lining goes. Don't laugh I'm serious. As for the pain, I was forced to pop the Pink Pepto Pill. It took approximately 45 minutes to really stop the pain though, most painful abdominal ever.

I have 2 big questions right now as I partake in the scientific research concerning 'consciousness' and the 5-HT family. This alludes to the idea that it's possible to construct a Hallucinogenic Anti-Psychotic like Marijuana at an intense level, to the extent of LSD with the sobriety of Piracetam. However, the process behind building such a drug is going to start with the 5-HT family, and finding the natural chemical balance that will cater to specific 5-HT centers, specifically the 5-HT2A WITH visual hallucinations and waking dream state awareness- combine with .

THIS IS WHY I EXPERIMENTED WITH MYRISTIC ACID. MyrA is close, but no cigar. MyrA doesn't produce 5-HT2A hallucinations. However, this is more MY personal type of drug ANYWAY because it's a full blown Nootropic for recreational use that lasts up to 3-4 days on average low dose. I also had the personal liberty off the record to take both LSD and Myristic Acid together at extremely low doses to verify their differences, (when I say low dose for LSD, I mean a fraction of a hit- 1/8th) and the LSD simply scattered the MyrA's 'Sharp thought' activity into abstraction and eventually as the effects became heavier- just complete confusion. And then- because the MyrA is such a strong Hyper-Sobriety Nootropic, the deep thoughts associated with LSD seemed to turn into cognitive clouds. This means the MyrA and the LSD are counter products- MyrA is literally some type of Anti-Psychotic, and of course LSD is a Hallucinogen.

If the theory behind the D.E.F.N.O.X. serves correct, that means consciousness is an energy loop, a feedback loop, or a type of "milisecond double-tripple-quadruple check (like double checking over and over)" being received by a spiritual means- literally, the end of the road for science at that point- you're going Quantum Mechanics and Fringe after that. But the notion is that the receiver of the reality is much like the matrix, whereas the body is cultivating the signal produced in this reality to be received by 'the soul.'

This returns to the 5-HT receptors which Literally dictates what reality the soul is encompassing. For all you know, there's people out there who have a malfunction of 5-HT2A who have insomnia and live in a reality of fractal visual hallucinations, without ever realizing that that's not the same reality everyone else is involved in. I'm talking about Schizophrenia, whereas it could be 5-HT1A removing their awareness of a number of things.


Let me tell you all about this, because I'm finding it entirely fascinating right now- the people who made my pills really did their job, this is no placebo effect.

My Awareness is definitely on point (Which sucks when you have abdominal pain).
My heart rate was a little faster earlier but entirely normal right now.
I feel a bit TOO awake as well, which means the 5-HTP is working a full spectrum of 5-HT receptions all at once which explains;
I'm having Hyper Sober visuals. What the hell is that? It's not hallucinating, that's for sure, but everything that would happen on LSD, the patterns, the entire Fractal grid is lost in a slight blur where the only recognition of it shows in the sort of hypnotic, rapid, vivid, yet subtle tunnel light show effect. It's not something you could just SEE, it's something I noticed over the course of the experience as something subtle- a type of frame work that exposes the 5-HT2A working in unison with the rest of the 5-HT Receptors. The pattern thing is very familiar to anyone who has used LSD, so to see the patterns being 'controlled' is a fascinating situation. Problem is that shit is over already because my stomach doesn't hurt anymore.
The head high is prevalent STILL.

The abdominal pain returns at 2:55AM

While it's a disputable subject to make a hallucinogen that's anti-psychotic (Because counteractive drugs like MAOIs and LSD together can cause seizures) I also know that's not entirely true, FOR A FACT.

All you really have to do is mix 2 different drugs which at this point right now is looking like highly extracted Cannabidiol (a known anti-psychotic trigger for 5-HT1A) with Ketanserine (an expensive form of 5-HT2A Reception trigger for visual hallucinations).

Whether or not that actually works is all theory. I'm not gonna spend $150.00 on a bottle of Ketanserine unless I can just throw the damn money around like it was super lotto. This leads me to extracting 5-HT2A from Mexamine (Melatonin) which is a long process I don't have the materials for.

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