Wednesday, April 9, 2014

My Practical Innovation Report on 'Myra' [My-Ruh] (Myristic Acid)


        While laughed at in the world of drugs, Nutmeg was actually known to be Nostradamus' favorite intoxicant. I now understand why. Nutmeg contains both Safrole [3,4-methylenedioxy allylbenzene] (otherwise known as 'Sasafrass') and Myristicin [5-methoxy 3,4-methylenedioxy allylbenzene] which I have named 'Myra'. Myra is not well known in the drug world, and is still being tested today. It's most potent form is actually found in Parsley Seeds. My experiment with Nutmeg Seeds to extract Myra specifically, were done as a test of household creation, rather than lab creation which would include steam and vaccum distillations. My experiment was concluded after 21 days.

The part of Nutmeg that people are unaware of is that the Myra evaporates quickly. This is why people at home try to smoke, or heavily ingest pre-ground Nutmeg with no effect, because the Myristic Acid evaporates with in only a few days. The moment you grind up a seed of Nutmeg, the shelf-life of the Myristicin is literally only 1 day, and after that it's weak to nothing. A lot of forms of making Nutmeg into a solution that can be taken for hallucination- does not work. It cannot be boiled into a tea form, or slowly simmered into a tea, or low simmered into a tea or milk- none of these work to the degree that Myra is capable of, because the heat makes the Myra turn to steam and it quickly evaporates, most likely with in only 15-30 minutes.

Because of this, you can Grind up all of your Nutmeg Seeds and put them in a jar, and keep refrigerated; as long as there is no heat there to cause the evaporation, the Myra will stay.

The most effective way of getting Myra into your system is by ingestion. The recipes behind ingestion includes: Raw Ground Nutmeg in Eggnog, Acetone separated Myra into Grape seed oil, and Myra steamed into bread. Smoking it works, but at minimal effect. Teas are also minimal effect but smoking it would be far more noticeable than it being a Tea.

EFFECTS: The Head change is noticeable with in 5 minutes, and the Effects are intensified with in 2-3 hours; a duration of 8 hour climax with 2-3 day experience, 12 hour comedown with no negative side effects aside from possible stomach discomfort. For those who have not had a good nights rest, there is a high possibility that you will pass-out into a coma like sleep approx. 3 hours into your Nutmeg experience (I highly suggest taking 1 full nutmeg seed 3 hours before you sleep at night to give you a full nights rest before you awaken the next morning and ingest another 3 Nutmeg seeds for the trip.) 3 Nutmeg seeds cause depth perception changes, mood lifting euphoria, and more focused thoughts, as if you're even more sober with a big head high. 6 Nutmeg seeds can cause Depth Perception Hallucinations (size of perceived objects warp out of proportion), dry mouth, delirium, and other trailing trip like effects.

The LETHAL DOSE is over 8 seeds for an average hight and weight of 130lbs to 5.5 ft. tall.

Right now, the best way to get a trip out of Myra is to either eat 4 tablespoons of Nutmeg, or take drops of Parsley Seed Essential Pure Oil. Otherwise, it's almost impossible to take in the amount of Myra that causes the full effect like the following recipes.
with all recipes, it should be noted that 200-400mg of Motrin should be accompanies with the ingestion of Myristicin as it tends to cause headaches. these are easily avoidable by simply taking 200mg of Motrin.

Myristic Acid Raw
1. Grind 3-4 Nutmeg Seeds (Approx. 15g-20g or 1/2-3/4 ounce) into a powder.
2. Mix powder with glass of water.
3. (1)a. Chug it. (Because Myra is an oil, it must be drank with little to no milk, so that you can experience a full effect. Water is the best alternative since it separates in your stomach.)
   (1)b. The Traditional Nutmeg with Eggnog is essentially eating raw Fresh Ground Nutmeg that's mixed in with it, and so it's suggested to eat Raw Nutmeg with Eggnog, but you will need to put a little more in than the average dose.
   (2) Smoke 1 teaspoon (Smoking Nutmeg does work, but the effects are clearly only a head high with everything else mild to nothing. It's very simple; grind up 1 whole Nutmeg seed ->Fresh<-, and smoke a teaspoon of it. Each bowl you smoke should be inhaled and held in the lungs for as long as possible as the head high will show more effect the longer you hold it in. That's as far as that goes though, and any further, you'll feel nauseous and produce a headache much later.)

Myristic Acid By Steamed Sourdough Bread
(This process is similar to Steam Distillation, only we've kept all the components of the distillation inside 1 container, and it's 3 original containers we've only changed into 3 '*distillation steps'. The Myrisitic Acid will catch the steam and stick to the Sourdough Bread's spongey surface. Steam Distillation is still obviously much more effective, but this method works very very well.)
1. Grind 4 Nutmeg Seeds into a powder.
2. Place at the bottom of a small pot that has a grill in it for steaming vegetables.
3. add a small amount of water to make the nutmeg muddy, but not too much water, just enough to make the nutmeg muddy.
4. Place the grill over the Myra mud and put 1 piece of sourdough bread on the grill inside.
5. (*1) Cover the pot with a lid, and let the pot simmer on minimal low for 45 minutes.
6. (*2) Take the pot off the stove and place in a lukewarm area for 5 minutes.
7. (*3) Move it to the freezer where it can cool down for another 20 minutes or so, allowing the steam inside to settle, and for the remaining Myristic Acid & moisture to gather with the bread.
7. Remove the lid to take out the cold and wet piece of bread- eat it quickly and discard everything else. (The bread will taste DISGUSTING! I have never tasted any drug more disgusting than eating Myra-bread. It's bitter- you can taste the Myristic Acid in the bread, and it's texture may cause you to dry heave, but the effects of this method are almost instant with a head change and euphoria after you can manage to swallow the first bite. It gets easier to eat as you go because the high is altering your perception of the bread.)

Myristic Acid By Acetone
I'm not aware of whether or not this works in personal experience, but it's obviously going to work, and the outcome is going to be just as favorable.
1. Grind 12 Nutmeg Seeds (approx 60g or 2 ounces) into a powder.
2. Place in a tightly covered mason jar and leave in the sun for 2 to 3 days.
3. The White Precipitate will appear on the side; the Myristic Acid. Scrape all the White off and place in a dry container.
4. (step 1) Mix with tiny amount of Grape seed Oil to preserve and liquidate for consumption.
       (step 2) Pour into potion bottle

Myra evaporates quickly.
Fresh Ground Nutmeg Seeds, or Fresh Ground Parsley seeds must be refrigerated to keep Myra toxicity from evaporating.
Tea recipes do not work well- Not reccommended.
Smoking Fresh Ground Nutmeg does work, but not well and with negative effect.
Eating 4 Raw Fresh Ground Nutmeg Seeds is the most effective trip.
Myra is not a Hallucinogen, it's an Anti-Psychotic Neutropic that can turn into a Deliriant at higher doses (At doses lower than 3 Seeds, Myra is capable of causing healthy brain activity, focus, and an eventual calm mood- may be suggested for people with ADHD).

Ingestion of Myra is dangerous. We know that it's lethal when ingested because it causes harm to the kidneys and liver so all methods of ingestion are for rare occasions.

At the end of the day, Steam Distillation is the way to go, but keep in mid that the dose of steam distilled Myra is crucial to having a good sober time. This may be the kind of drug that can be produced where the Myra is concentrated for capsule pills. Each pill containing about a half teaspoon of Myristicin from just 1 Nutmeg Seed, and 50mg of Motrin (which needs be stated so that people understand that 8 of these pills is the FDA limit for Motrin). The truth of the matter is, this experiment has to migrate over to Parsley Seeds to see what the proper amount is for the seeds to undertake the exact same process the Nutmeg has gone through because the Parsley Seeds are a more effective approach to Myra.

The truth be told though, the best method for consuming Myra is through 'Vapor.' Which means if you can steam distill Myra into a crystalized form, and smoke it in a vapor pen, you'd be good for days, with no adverse effects that I'm currently aware of.


1. Put a pot of water on the stove, doesn't matter how much, and boil it til the water is bubbling to the top.
2. Once the pot is boiling, pour the ground up Nutmeg (about 3 seeds) into the pot and breathe in the steam for as long as possible.
BAM, you'll be good for days, with no adverse effects that I'm currently aware of.

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